
   Regenerate, Repair, Renew!

   Exciting New Treatments at the

Kotsanis Institute


Dr. Kotsanis is highly dedicated to spreading the word regarding whole-body health, disease prevention, and the unfortunate, but sometimes necessary, treatment of disease.

The next three months Dr. Kotsanis will be working harder than ever to get the message out!  Audiences large and small, including support groups, Wellness Expos, Integrative Physicians, and retirees will hear his powerful message.  Additionally, he will host events at the Kotsanis Institute designed to empower individuals who wish to tread the path of whole-body healing.

Along the way, Dr. Kotsanis will introduce exciting new treatments now available in our office:

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a procedure using a patient's own blood spun in a centrifuge to separate and concentrate the platelets.  The concentrated platelets are then injected into the affected area to promote faster, more thorough healing.

Adipose-Derived Adult Stem Cell Treatment delivers the patient's very own adipose-derived stem cells, combined with the platelets, by injection or IV, depending on the condition.

Stem cells are the building blocks of our bodies, able to regenerate and create new cells.  Using the PRP and Adipose-Derived Adult Stem Cell Treatment will draw the stem cells to the damaged/inflamed areas of the body where they can begin healing!

Look for Dr. Kotsanis at:

The North Texas Lyme Group,

Natural HealthFest in Plano,

Wellness Expo in Addison,  

 Exciting happenings at Kotsanis!   

Want to know more???

For more information about what we do please call our office at 888-302-9740!!





2260 Pool Road
Grapevine, TX 76051
817.380.4992 |

Dr. Constantine A. Kotsanis MD complements traditional medicine with functional medicine and nutrition to optimize health, wellness, and the anti-aging process.  

Dr. Kotsanis specialties include Insulin Potentiation Targeted Low Dose Therapy (IPTLDSM) in the treatment of Cancer, Comprehensive Cancer Care & AfterCare, Autism, Hormone Imbalances, Allergies, Digestive Disorders, Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Disorders.

The Kotsanis Institute is located located in Grapevine, Texas - close to Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW)

Dr. Kotsanis’ practice integrates elements of both mainstream and complementary medicine. This practice know as integrative medicine embraces principals and treatment methods which may or may not be accepted or embraced by conventional medicine providers, individual physicians or other health care institutions.
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