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GrapeFest Co-Chairs Mark and Sonya Terpening

The opening ceremony of Grapevine’s 26th annual GrapeFest kicked off the four-day festival Thursday, Sept. 14 at the Town Square Gazebo at noon.

Festival co-chairs Mark and Sonya Terpening began the opening ceremony by announcing the first Champagne Cork Shoot-Off of the weekend.  Mayor William D. Tate won the shoot-off by launching his cork 99 feet.

After the shoot-off, Moira Niven won the first GrapeStomp competition of the weekend, and the Terpenings toasted to the opening of GrapeFest.

“In a city that’s known for its festivals, there is no greater honor than for us to be selected as chairs,” said Mr. Terpening.  “We are proud to be a part of GrapeFest.”

After the opening ceremony, attendees were welcome to enjoy the games, rides, music, drinks, food and festivities of the Southwest’s largest wine festival.

Check out the gallery below for a look at what happened on GrapeFest’s opening day.