The smell of freshly cut grass on a baseball field. The taste of a cherry snow cone after tennis practice. The feeling of the sun on your back while you swim...
As part of the 30 th Annual Main Street Days held in Historic Downtown Grapevine May 16, 17 and 18, JG Entertainment will debut the First Annual DFW ICON vocal...
Meet Cile Holloway, president of the Texas Humane Legislation Network , a statewide nonprofit organization that by its own mission statement seeks to effect...
At the monthly meeting of the Historical Society on Monday, April 28, you will enjoy an informative and comprehensive update on our new Historical Museum to be...
After a dreary winter, it’s finally spring. The sun is shining and the weather is crisp. It’s time to take the kids on an excursion – somewhere they can play...
Winter can feel like a never-ending hibernation – especially this year’s season. The days are chilly and the kids are restless. Even pets look outside the door...
You are invited to attend a complimentary documentary screening, "Behind the Orange Curtain," on Monday evening, April 28 at Palace Arts Center located at 300...
Meet Buddy Knight, director of Knights' Quest Ministries — a nonprofit dedicated to helping parents and youth navigate the threats that dwell on the Internet....
Caitlin Giddens – BubbleLife Staff
Apr 15 2014
Last week in the Best of BubbleLife survey, we asked our readers where they get fit. Voters showed they think outside the gym; they exercise by taking aquatics...
Meet T.D. Smyers, CEO of the North Texas Region of the American Red Cross since 2012. Smyers has a track record of executive leadership, transitioning to the...