Ash Wednesday at First Grapevine



Central Standard Time



First Grapevine UMC
422 Church Street
Grapevine, Texas 76051

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Ash Wednesday: February 22

Service: 6:30 PM (Sanctuary)

Ashes To Go:

7 AM - 9 AM (Main St.)

Due To the weather, we are only going to be offering Ashes To Go from:11 AM - 1 PM (Church St. Parking Lot)


We invite you to observe Ash Wednesday with us. Ash Wednesday is an opportunity to learn about this tradition, its meaning, and why we, as Christians, observe it. First Grapevine is offering some options to keep this holy day. We will have a traditional-style service of prayer, reflection, and imposition of ashes at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary. Individuals and families are welcome to attend. For those with busy schedules, Ashes To Go will be available from 11 AM - 1 PM at the Church Street parking lot in front of Founders Chapel, where you may drive up and receive ashes

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