
Get into the shoes of someone living in material poverty and understand the challenges, stress, and decisions you would face.

This is a real-life scenario where you will budget and prioritize limited dollars, make difficult purchasing decisions, and try to manage your time while you keep your family and life moving forward.

If you want to better understand poverty and serve in any kind of ministry among the materially poor, locally or globally, this is for you!

This will be located at:

121 Community Church

840 Mustang Dr

Grapevine, TX 76051

We will have 2 available time slots for you to have this experience.

2pm-4:30pm - Maximum Capacity is 120 People - Register Here

5:30pm-8pm - Maximum Capacity is 120 People - Register Here

Space is limited so register today!

Childcare is available with advanced registration when signing up.


Are there any age restrictions for this?

Yes. All adults are welcome and students in 9th grade and up are welcome to attend as well.

Is there a registration deadline?

Yes, Wednesday March 1st is the deadline.

Is there limited availability?

Yes, each time slot is limited to the first 120 registrants.

Is there a cost for this?

Yes, the cost is $5.00 per person.


Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:5-6

How can we share the gospel with people who have serious objections to faith in Christ?

What questions shut down the conversation – because you have no idea what to say?

While we desire to be gracious in how we answer objections, most of us feel unprepared to respond in areas where we are not as knowledgeable.

That’s what this Sunday is about. Sean McDowell will be with us to help us navigate the more difficult issues that arise when we share Jesus with others.

“Well that may be true for you – but that isn’t true for me.” Have you ever heard that? How would you respond?

“There is no evidence that God even exists.” “Do you really believe Jesus rose from the dead?” “Don’t you realize that religion is responsible for so much pain, suffering, and injustice?”

Sean will teach about why truth matters, and address specifically the question “True for You, But Not True for Me,” in our worship services (9:15am, 11:00am, 5:00pm). More info about our worship services can be found at

In the afternoon session (3:00pm), Sean will go into character as an intelligent, informed atheist to raise tough questions about the Christian faith and challenge believers to defend their faith.

This “Conversation with an Atheist" afternoon session is a highly interactive, hands-on experience where you will walk away motivated and equipped to more lovingly and intelligently make a case for faith in Christ.

This is a great opportunity to invite anyone to come. Sean’s presentation will be sensitive to people from all different kinds of viewpoints, and he will help everyone to with how to answer in gracious ways.

You can view more information by clicking here and sign up for available childcare by clicking here.


A new year is a great time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Rather than make quick resolutions and then watch them fade, get into a Forward community group this January to spur each other on in follow-through on Word-centered change. Here are the three groups we will offer starting on Sunday, January 15th, at 6:30pm:

Forward in Your Faith

This is a safe place to explore and ask tough questions and find answers to those questions in community. So if you are newer in your faith, or are not sure where you stand with Christianity or what it really means to have a relationship with Christ, this is a great community to plug in with. Come join us for this nine-week journey! Cost is $10 and low-cost childcare is available with registration.

Register Here

Questions: email Rodney Howell (

Forward in Your Finances (Financial Peace University)

Find yourself once again thinking that the Christmas season has blown your bank account and you really need a budget? Want to finally do something about getting out of debt, having a budget you can actually follow, and saving and spending in a God-honoring way? Join us as we go through the nine-week Dave Ramsey “Financial Peace University” together as a community. Cost for 121 community church attenders who register at this link is just $40 (regularly $93) and low-cost childcare is available with registration. 121 attenders, please use the discount code "forward" when registering.

Register Here

Question: email Jerry Floyd (

Forward Out of a Habit

Tried to change a behavior and find yourself stuck? These community groups will be a safe place to seek the Lord together and find the healing and help needed to move forward. Groups will be topic specific, and which topics we work on starting January 15th will depend on enrollments. We’d love to separate men’s and women’s groups to cover:

  • Anger/Emotions
  • Food Struggles
  • Alcohol/Substances
  • Unhealthy Sexual Issues

We’ll use the workbook “Crossroads” by counselor Ed Welch as our guide on this 11 week journey. Don’t put off another day reaching out for the help and healing. Cost is $10 and low-cost childcare is available with registration.

Register Here

Question: email Joe Sanchez (


INVITE #Mission | It is our desire to reach people on mission, the mission of leading people to live for Jesus Christ.

Join us for our INVITE series starting on Sundays January 15th at 9:15am, 11am, and 5pm.

121 Community Church

840 Mustang Dr.

Grapevine, TX 76051


You can join us online as well at

We'd love to meet you and hope to see you there!


Here's what The Next Chapter is all about for 121 Community Church located in Grapevine, TX. 

Our pastor Ross Sawyers shares the vision behind The Next Chapter!

To learn more details and to get involved, visit

To learn more details and to get involved, visit