Tracy Southers Parker

WHEW! We've almost made it! 

If there is anything we’ve learned in 2020 is that things can change on a dime. Including your business. Which is why evaluating and adjusting your marketing strategy every quarter is a good idea. Here are five action items that can impact your bottom line this year and beyond.


1. Website Audit

More than ever, your website is a very important marketing tool. Ignore it at your peril. What new information needs to be added? Do you have customer testimonials to share? Are there new features you can add to engage visitors, increase sales or improve customer service.

2. Email Marketing

Your email database is your most valuable OWNED marketing asset (NOT your Facebook page). There is no easier, or cost efficient, way to reach your customers directly – especially right now. If you’re not consistently sending content to your database, you’re missing a big opportunity to generate sales.

3. Budget Review
Nothing can have more impact on your bottom line than your budget, right? There is no better time to see how much you’ve spent this year…who knows, perhaps you have extra funds available that can be used in Q4.

4. Gather Intel
2020 has been a strange year, to say the least. The world is different than it was six months ago. And most likely, things have changed for your customers, competitors and communities. Take some time to look around, make some calls, send a survey, check out social media pages for other businesses. This will help you determine priorities, needs and opportunities that you can act on quickly.

5. Customer and Employee Appreciation
I think it’s safe to say most businesses have not survived 2020 without their loyal employees and customers. Do not let the year end without showing them your appreciation. A thank you note, Starbucks gift card, end-of-year bonus or special discount will go a LONG ways in customer retention and employee productivity.

Don’t let 2020 be a complete bust. Finish the year with a win!

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