Make a Flared Bowl from Hot Molten Glass!



Central Standard Time



Vetro Glassblowing Studio & Gallery
701 S. Main Street, Suite 103
Grapevine, Texas 76051

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Turn molten hot glass into a delicately Flared Bowl! It's not just a spectacle; it's an interactive experience that promises joy for kids and adults alike. Create lasting memories as you witness the magic of glassblowing hands-on and up close. Watch in awe as a quick spin transforms your molten glass into the elegant shape of your very own delicate glass bowl.

Our Community Help Creates are great photo opportunities where glassblowing memories and traditions are made! Register online for Saturday, April 6th & 27th. Or just come to watch the glass artist work their magic daily for free. Due to the interactive nature of the event, spots are limited! Secure your place by registering online at See you at Vetro!

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