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Representative Capriglione’s office is looking for ten honorary pages to serve the Texas Legislature during its 84th regular session. The “page for a day” program allows participants ages 8-18 years old to experience the legislative process up close as they assist members on the House floor.

Each page is eligible to serve one half-day shift during a legislative session. Each day is divided into two shifts: a morning shift from 8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. and an afternoon shift from 1:30 p.m.- 5 p.m. 

Pages will be responsible for delivering messages throughout the Capitol, as well as performing other administrative tasks. Pages may keep their ID badges at the end of their service with the House. 

Male pages must wear a coat and tie, while female pages are required to wear dresses, slacks, or other appropriate attire (no jeans, shorts, etc.).

To apply, applicants must be a  resident of District 98 and submit a 300 word essay summarizing why they would like to be a page. Due to the ten limited spaces available per member, applicants will be chosen on a first come, first serve basis.  

Please submit application to Courtney Roberts at

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