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Dear friends,
Below please find a link to a survey from the sunset commission. Please click on the link and take the survey.  Surveys are due by June 16th. They are evaluating the performance and necessity of the Texas Medical licensing board.  This only happens every 12 to 14 years.
The time has come for us all to let the sunset commission know how ineffective and adversarial things have become.
This is our one big opportunity to tell them what is going on and to put pressure on the governor and the legislators to sunset (abolish) the current board and re-establish it in a fashion that reflects the marketplace and the will of the people. 
Integrative practitioners need a place on the board. As the saying goes, if you don't have a seat at the table, then you're probably on the menu!
Integrative medicine has taken a strong foothold across the globe, and Texas is behind the times. Let's make sure we catch up this time. Let's stop the bullying.  There are at least 5 million Texans who want nothing to do with conventional medicine.  And increasingly there are more people who want a combination of conventional and integrative options. Let's do this now!
Beverly D. Kotsanis, CEO

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