Discover Your Enneagram Type



Central Standard Time



House of Shine
334 S. Barton St.
Grapevine, Texas 76051

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This personality typing system invites you to explore the behaviors associated with your personality and the motivations, fears, and desires that drive those behaviors. Discovering what Shines about you can happen using a variety of tools, including the Enneagram. It's just another piece to the puzzle that makes up who you are.
Our main objective is for you to have a broad understanding of the Enneagram and for you to know and *own* your Enneagram number. As trained Enneagram facilitators, it has been our experience that many people *think* they are one number (or even many numbers) when in reality, they are yet another number. We want you to walk out of our Discover Your Enneagram class confidently owning your TRUE Enneagram number!

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