
On Saturday, April 20, Grapevine city leaders and members of the Grapevine community will dedicate the former Soil Conservation Building as the new Nash Farm classroom and training facility. The dedication is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. during the 12th Annual Spring Into Nash celebration.


Soil conservation was a topic of prime concern following the Dust Bowl years. The Soil Conservation Act of 1935 created the Soil Conservation Service (SCS).  Grapevine’s Soil Conservation Building was originally used to teach local farmers how to better cultivate their land and to incorporate conservation techniques to halt soil erosion. By incorporating the building into Nash Farm’s heritage education programs, the building returns to its original purpose of teaching about the use of soil, farming and conservation techniques.


“This is an excellent building that will continue to serve as an educational facility,” said Dr. Curtis Ratliff, chairman, Grapevine Heritage Foundation. “It is very appropriate that at Nash Farm it will be used to teach about the soil and farming.”


Many Grapevine citizens worked for the Soil Conservation Service. Some of these citizens and/or their families will be participating in Saturday’s ceremony. From the late 1940s through the 1950s, the Soil Conservation Building was located on the northeast corner of Main and Hudgins Streets.  After the Soil Conservation Service Office closed, the building was moved to 409 E. Hudgins Street and was used as a residence.  Eventually acquired by the Grapevine Convention & Visitors Bureau, the building was moved to Nash Farm and restored.  


For more information, please call the Grapevine Convention & Visitors Bureau at 817-410-3185 or visit

Information provided by the Grapevine Convention & Visitors Bureau

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