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Carol Record Scholarship Fund Awards Three Scholarships

The Reverend Carol Record Scholarship Committee is proud to announce this year’s worthy recipients:  Ian Hennes, Glenn Rios and Jacob Taylor.  These three outstanding gentlemen are seniors at Trinity High School and actively participate in Unity Church in Grapevine’s Y.O.U. (Youth Of Unity).

Ian Hennes’ college choice is the University of North Texas with a major in Broadcast Journalism.  By nature Ian is a caring person who enjoys helping others. He keeps challenges in perspective and consciously monitors his response to each situation.  He credits this approach to his spiritual teachings at Unity Church in Grapevine.  Ian is an exceptional communicator who exudes positive thought, love and genuine caring.  In addition, he is an outstanding member of the Trinity High School Football Team. He has a passion for sports and statistics.  Ian lives with his mother, Joyce Sterling, who is pictured accepting the scholarship award for him because he was at his first weekend at National Guard, and his sister Anissa.

Glenn Rios decided to begin his college career by attending Northlake Community College, and then transferring to Texas Tech to acquire an Engineering Degree.  He consciously strives to keep a balance in all areas of his life.  Glenn and his family moved to this area from Puerto Rico five years ago, and he found himself on an uphill climb, but he has successfully conquered the English language, made new friends and loves Unity Church in Grapevine.  He is a member of the Hispanic Scholarship Program, part of the photojournalism team and volunteers at his school and Unity Church in Grapevine.  Glenn lives with his parents Lourdes Estrella, Ramon Rios and his younger brother.

Jacob Taylor plans to begin his college years at Tarrant County College and then transfer to Tarleton State University.  At this time he has not defined his major, but he reported that he always has been extremely interested in technology. Jacob is a member of the Trinity High School Football Team, loves helping people, and volunteers for various school events.  One of his goals is to be a kind leader who serves as a good example for his younger siblings, cousins, and friends.  He stated that his perspective of life has been highly impacted and guided by his spiritual experiences at Unity Church in Grapevine.  Jacob lives with his mother, Tammi Taylor, and younger sister.  

We celebrate the accomplishments of these fine young men and express our gratitude to the family members who have provided love, encouragement, guidance and support!  

The Rev. Carol Scholarship Fund is open to anyone graduating from Grapevine/Colleyville ISD or to those who attend Unity Church in Grapevine.  Next year's seniors should speak with their guidance counselors about the scholarship. Because the fund serves the community, it graciously accepts contributions from groups and individuals outside the church.   The church office can assist with any questions; call 817-488-1008.

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Joyce Sterling accepts scholarship for son Ian Hen
Friday, 13 June 2014