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From chocolates to roses to red wine, many people will receive at least one of these sweet gifts this year for Valentine's Day. 

But that special gift could hurt something else you love as well: your pet. That's why the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or ASPCA, has a few reminders for you:

  • Look over your bouquet to make sure it is pet-safe. Remove any lilies from bouquets, as they are potentially fatal to cats. Thorny-stemmed flowers can cause a serious infection if a puncture occurs, so keep those roses far away.
  • Be sure to put chocolates away. The sweet treat can cause vomiting, seizures, and more if ingested by an animal.
  • Keep wine and other alcoholic beverages out of reach. If swallowed, an animal could experience tremors, difficulty breathing, central nervous system depression and more. A little bit of alcohol can do a lot of harm.
  • Blow out candles if you leave the room. Curious cats and nosy dogs can burn themselves or cause a fire.

Remember the above advice to keep your four-legged friends safe this Valentine's Day!

For more information, click here.

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