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New Year’s Eve is often seen as a time of rebirth, the chance to start anew. We all come up with the regular resolutions for the upcoming year, but often our ideas of what should change are too broad. This New Year’s Eve, we should all vow to take a closer look into our lives and make decisions about ourselves then.

1. Vow to put down all devices for at least an hour a night.. Spend it instead with you spouse, kids, dogs, mom, dad, etc. Use the time to reconnect to the living.  

2. Stop beating yourself up for skipping the gym on days you truly didn’t have time. But also, stop skipping the gym on days you had plenty of time to go.

3. Stop caring about how many people “like” your Instagram photos. If you like the photo enough to post it, what else matters? Social media anxiety is a waste of time.

4. Try to do one random act of kindness a day. No matter how big or how small, pay it forward. The universe could use more positivity. 

5. Above all else, love yourself. Sure we all have things we would like to change, so work on it. Change is forward motion and is often a slow process. Don't beat yourself up too much. 


Here's to wishing you all the best in 2015! 


Sarah Ware

Sarah Ware Photography 

P.s. Don't forget to make time to update those family photographs or book your first sessiom. One day you'll look back and wish you had more portraits of your children growing up. 

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As the world has become an online mechanism for doing business, your headshot is the first impression you are making to prospective clients to make that initial contact.  A distinctive headshot is going to make you stand out against your competition and gain the trust of the prospective client enough to make that initial call.  It is not just a picture; it is your professional image and brand.  A brand that shows attention to detail and that you are in command of your industry as a leading expert.  Make a list of how you’d like your customers to perceive you and your business professionally (for example in my case: approachable, friendly, creative, warm and professional). Take a look at your current photo – does it communicate any of the things you listed?

What makes a good headshot? 

Great headshots are one of the most challenging photographs to do well.  There is a combination of expert lighting, posing, chemistry between the client and the photographer as well as the right wardrobe and environment for the particular industry the headshot will represent.   Professional make up finishes the image in a natural way.   Solid colors always bring attention to the face. We craft a relaxed, yet confident and personable image that tells your audience you are the best in the industry.   Our process always includes a pre-session consultation where we learn what your professional image goals entail to craft a session that best describes you.  We will discuss clothing choices as well as other suggestions to make sure you will stand out.

Let's book yours today!

 First impressions only happen once, and increasing your chances to be the one contacted ahead of your competitor is critical in a saturated market. Contact for additional information and rates. We offer hair and make up styling to all of our clients either in the studio or on location.  

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As a local photographer, I may be a little bit partial to the need for family portraits. Being a mom of two, I take a picture of my babies every chance I get. I do it because I know they won't be babies forever, one day they will be grown and gone. I do it because I want to preserve this time with them. As much as it is for me, it's for them as well. Things they may or may not remember. What we wore, where we lived, how we loved. Sounds like a great plan, except for one major flaw.  If I am always taking the photos, how can I be in them? Judging from Facebook and Instagram this is true for a lot of moms out there.  By now you are probably wondering what the point of this article is. Consider this a PSA for moms and dads everywhere. Get yourself in those pictures too! It will be important to your children when they are grown to see their parents in the photos with them. We have to face it, we may not always be around. Try at least once a year to schedule a family photo session. As a photographer, I say get creative with it. Think of things that represent your family and incorporate it into those photos. Always wanted to be superheros? Do it! Wish you could get everyone dressed to the 9's? Schedule it!

For more Inspiration, please visit my website   . 

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