
With Fall Family sessions about to be in full swing, I get asked quite a bit "what should we wear to our session?" So I thought I should write a little blog to help. This is by no means a "what you have to wear" post, just a suggestion because everyone's tastes are different. One thing I always recommend is to wear colors that are the same scheme but no too matchy matchy.  For example, I love the colors that this family chose. 

Fall Family Session, Bear Creek Park, Keller TX , Sarah Ware Photography

Fall Family Session, Bear Creek Park, Keller TX , Sarah Ware Photography

Here is another great example of how everyone has their own style but the colors compliment each other.  

Fall Family Session, Grapevine Texas, Sarah Ware Photography 

Fall Family Session, Grapevine Texas, Sarah Ware Photography 

Lastly, go crazy with it! How often do busy families get the chance to be all fancied (yep thats a word)  together?  Look below for inspiration to ROCK  your photo session and win the coveted best photo award during  Holiday card showdown.  :)  

P.S if you haven't scheduled your session yet, you better get on it! 

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This wedding was so special for me to photograph because of the love that these two shared not only for each other, but their family, friends and the biggest one of all, their Faith. In a very crazy world, it was so refreshing to see two young people carry such big love for all those around them. It was very clear to see that they were an inspiration and admired by all those who loved them. Here are some of my favorite image from their wedding day. 

wedding venue: Allure Restaurant at Chandler's Landing

photographer: Sarah Ware Photography 

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Booking your session is as easy as cake!

Have a fun idea to celebrate the big ONE! Let's do it! Email me!

Have a fun idea to celebrate the big ONE! Let's do it!

Email me!

Cake Smash! 

A cake smash session is an absolutely wonderful way to celebrate a birthday or get memorable photographs of your baby! The images taken at a cake smash session are unique, memorable, and make incredible decor and gifts for your home and family. Cake smashes are fun for baby and parents, and provide a unique opportunity to capture your baby’s curiosity and personality at a young age. Many clients choose a cake smash session for documenting baby’s first birthday, while others see the session itself as the special occasion! It is our pleasure to work with you and your family to craft a special photo experience just for your baby.

We can work together to customize your little one's session!

We can work together to customize your little one's session!

What to Wear

Choosing an outfit for baby is one of the most enjoyable parts of planning a cake smash session! We highly recommend choosing an outfit after picking out your confection to create a beautiful cohesive look. Here are a few tips on selecting baby’s clothing:
• Choose colors that match or complement the colors of the cake
• Ruffles, tulle, ribbon, and lace look fabulous on camera
• Accessories such as headbands, necklaces, and cute shoes add detail and interest to your images
• Try to steer away from dark colors or bright white; off white, pastel, or bright colors look best
• Avoid items that could be damaged by soapy water or cake
• Make sure the outfit is washable!


Choosing A Cake

The most important item needed for a cake smash session is the cake itself! We encourage our clients to purchase or make their own cake for baby to ensure it is exactly what you want and expect. Some babies may have special dietary needs as well, making it important for you to select a treat that keeps your bundle of joy happy and healthy. Here are some guidelines for selecting a cake:
• Lighter cakes (whites, yellows) photograph much, much better than darker ones and look more appropriate smeared on baby’s face
• Pure white frosting can be difficult to photograph; try off-white or different colors for best results
• Sprinkles, stripes, and colored accents look fabulous on camera - try selecting a cake with interesting decorations
• Cupcakes are less expensive than full cakes and can produce results with baby that are just as effective

Adding a fun sign with Baby's stats is a fun way to add to the session! 

Adding a fun sign with Baby's stats is a fun way to add to the session! 

Cleaning Up

If your session location is not at home, it’s important to bring lots of clean-up material to make sure baby is clean and happy after the cake smash! The smashing session may not last more than a few minutes, and it’s best to be prepared for clean-up as soon we finish.
• Several clean bath towels
• Baby wipes
• A roll of paper towels
• Bottle of water
• Gentle soap


Booking & Planning

As soon as baby comes, it's non-stop late nights and hard work for Mom and Dad. Coordinating a photo session seems like the last thing on your list of priorities. This is why we recommend booking your session at least 2-4 months in advance of your due date to make sure everything is lined up ahead of time and you don't have to worry! Once your little bundle of joy arrives, please contact Sarah Ware Photography to let us know the news. We will work closely with you or a family member to find a day and time that works for everyone. Newborns are best photographed under 2 weeks of age; the ideal timing before 9 days.

Newborn Session, Grapevine Studio 

Newborn Session, Grapevine Studio 

The Day Before

Don’t schedule vaccinations  the day before your session! Tire baby out with stimulating activities so she will want to sleep the next day.

Sweet sleeping babies are so much fun to photograph! 

Sweet sleeping babies are so much fun to photograph! 

The Day Of 

Keep baby awake at least 90 min. prior to the session. Feed baby until she is 
completely full. Ensure the diaper or any clothing isn’t strapped on too tightly to avoid red marks. Clothe baby in something easy to slip on and off without causing disturbance. 

Feel free to bring any of your own special blankets or stuffed animals!  

Feel free to bring any of your own special blankets or stuffed animals!


Don’t Forget!

Extra milk / formula
Extra diapers
Potty wipes
Snacks & drinks for mom
Any special blankets or props

Dad's shirt always makes a sweet background! 

Dad's shirt always makes a sweet background! 

Bump to Giggle's - We offer a newborn package that will grow with you!  

Newborn Session: $475

Newborn sessions take place in the Grapevine Studio. We will allow for any breaks, feedings, clothing changes and whatever is needed in order to ensure that your session creates the best possible photos. Sessions will last anywhere from 1-2 hours and are scheduled Monday - Saturday starting at 8:30am.  The photographer provides all props, multiple settings & backgrounds to give you a variety of images to choose from. You may bring your own props, stuffed animals and blankets as well. Each session comes with a  20-30 edited images delivered through an online gallery for downloading and professional ordering along with a print release. Each session comes with a Bump Mini Session and a  Six Month Mini Session, these can be taken on location or in studio.  Half of your total is due as your retainer and the other half is due the day before your session. Turnaround time with editing is 7-10 days.
Please contact us with questions. We’d Love to Hear from You!

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First Birthdays are always fun for me because you never know how the little ones are going to react to their sugary, frosting covered cake. Some dig right in and some take their time inspecting every detail, like sweet Nolan did here.  

First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park
First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park
First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park Nolan -68.jpg
First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park
First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park
First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park
First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park
First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park
First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park
First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park
First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park
First Birthday Session, River Legacy Park

I loved meeting Baby Bailey so much! Such a little doll! I've know her parents for a very long time and was so happy I was able to capture these sweet moments for them.  Video best viewed at 720p HD. 


I know, I know it's only July so why am I talking about back to school already?!?!?  It's only because I know how busy that magical last year of your high school daze can be. You're strutting along and all the sudden it's a week until graduation and GASP!! You haven't even shot your glorious rite of passage, the Senior Photo..  So I am here to help get it on your radar now :)   That and I suffer from a small amount of procrastination, if I don't do things immediately. So here are a couple of super cute Summer looks to inspire you for your graduation photo session! xoxo Sarah 

In Full Bloom A unique blend of denim, color, and florals make this outfit wonderfully fresh! Dipdyed denim shorts add a unique color gradient, matching the beachy coral sandals. A while cotton tank top allows your accessories to shine try sunglasses and a colorful necklace to bring the look together! A floral headband is just the thing to top things off adding organic detail and Summery whimsy!

In Full Bloom
A unique blend of denim, color, and florals make this outfit wonderfully fresh! Dipdyed
denim shorts add a unique color gradient, matching the beachy coral sandals. A while cotton tank top allows your accessories to shine try sunglasses and a colorful necklace to bring the look together! A floral headband is just the thing to top things off adding
organic detail and Summery whimsy!

Summer of Love Coral and yellow solids form the base of the outfit, allowing interesting jewelry and accessories to create added detail. A flowy skirt adds a whimsical touch. Canvas accessories and shoes keep things casual. Natural fiber fabrics, such as cotton or linen, help to keep you cool in the warm sun!

Summer of Love
Coral and yellow solids form the base of the outfit, allowing interesting jewelry and accessories to create added detail. A flowy skirt adds a whimsical touch. Canvas accessories and shoes keep things casual. Natural fiber fabrics, such as cotton or linen, help to keep you cool in the warm sun!

Ultra Pop A mix of quiet and loud makes this outfit a standout. Splashes of incredible, intense color create strong focal points against soft, neutral colors. Start with solid color pants and a grey tank then add color and personality with shoes and accessories! A great look for indoors or outdoors.

Ultra Pop
A mix of quiet and loud makes this outfit a standout. Splashes of incredible, intense color create strong focal points against soft, neutral colors. Start with solid color pants and a grey tank then add color and personality with shoes and accessories! A great look for indoors or outdoors.

A Walk In The Field A stunning blend of emerald and natural leather make for an unforgettable outfit! Perfect for outdoor shoots, this combination creates a look both rustic and modern. Accessory details add interest to your images and allow lots of room for self-expression!

A Walk In The Field
A stunning blend of emerald and natural leather make for an unforgettable outfit! Perfect for
outdoor shoots, this combination creates a look both rustic and modern. Accessory details add
interest to your images and allow lots of room for self-expression!


Wanting to schedule those super cute baby bump photos before your bundle gets here, but not sure what to wear without looking like you're melting into a puddle? Let me help! I completely feel your pain, my first  was born in November which meant my maternity pictures would be smack dab in the middle of the cruel Texas summer.  Here are a couple of looks I wish I had known about! 

Baby Blues Bright, modern, comfortable. Try a stretchy wrap on top, creating a flattering look for mom while also showing off that bump! Bright, bright accessories add amazing color to your photos and help to keep things looking modern. Flats are comfortable, casual, and stylish for warm weather and keep you and baby safe!

Baby Blues
Bright, modern, comfortable. Try a stretchy wrap on top, creating a flattering look for mom while
also showing off that bump! Bright, bright accessories add amazing color to your photos and
help to keep things looking modern. Flats are comfortable, casual, and stylish for warm weather
and keep you and baby safe!

Carnival Colorful, sweet, and fun just because you’re about to be a mom doesn’t mean you’re not a kid at heart! Red and white carnival stripes are flattering and fun. A pair of stretchtop pants keep you and baby extremely comfortable. Red accessories make your images a playful affair. And let’s not forget the best part... adding a sugary treat, like a striped lollipop, keep you focused and enjoying yourself!

Colorful, sweet, and fun just
because you’re about to be a mom doesn’t mean you’re not a kid
at heart! Red and white carnival stripes are flattering and fun. A pair of stretchtop
pants keep
you and baby extremely comfortable. Red accessories make your images a playful affair. And
let’s not forget the best part... adding a sugary treat, like a striped lollipop, keep you focused and
enjoying yourself!

Coral Breeze Coral is a lovely color for photo shoots both indoor and outdoors! A long, flowy maxi dress keeps you comfortable while allowing you to show off your baby bump. Natural fiber accessories, such as a straw hat and woven bag, add casual elegance to your look. Sandals look great and feel great with long dresses and prevent your feet from overheating!

Coral Breeze
Coral is a lovely color for photo shoots both indoor and outdoors! A long, flowy maxi dress keeps
you comfortable while allowing you to show off your baby bump. Natural fiber accessories, such
as a straw hat and woven bag, add casual elegance to your look. Sandals look great and feel
great with long dresses and prevent your feet from overheating!

Lace Yesterday A lovely lace dress with a flattering aline cut allow you and baby to stay cool and comfortable during the shoot! A parasol adds vintage elegance while providing shade in an outdoor session. Accessorize with a splash of color aqua looks fabulous! to add interest to your images. Flats and lowheel shoes keep you safe and comfortable.

Lace Yesterday
A lovely lace dress with a flattering aline
cut allow you and baby to stay cool and comfortable
during the shoot! A parasol adds vintage elegance while providing shade in an outdoor session.
Accessorize with a splash of color aqua
looks fabulous! to
add interest to your images. Flats
and lowheel
shoes keep you safe and comfortable.


Okay so maybe it is a bit of an exaggeration with the advent of camera phones. Most kids nowadays have a photo documenting every day of their existence. I know mine do.  What I'm talking about are professional photographs.  We do them when they're Newborn, wrapping our cute little cherubs up in mohair wraps and posing them in buckets. Siggh, some of my favorites.  We start booking in advance the sugar right of passage that we lovingly call the Cake Smash session.  We giggle at the frosting covered faces and take delight in the mess they create.  Then, well then nothing...  No Terrific Two's, no Thriving Three's  or Fabulous Four's. Nothing until their Senior Graduation Session.  Sure, once they turn Five they get a annual school picture, but when has a school picture showcased the carefree spirit or playful nature of anyone? Ever? Don't get me wrong they do serve a purpose, but why not schedule a birthday session every year? I know schedules get crazier as kids get older, but the fortunate thing about a birthday session is that is the same time every year. Plenty of time to get it on the calendar.  At this point, you may be thinking, well Sarah we know  how to plan for a Newborn or Cake Smash session, but a yearly session?? C'mon..  Why not, your baby doesn't stay a baby long and why not have a beautiful image that you can look back on and remember exactly what they were like at that point in time? Heck, you could even sneak in and take one with them.  Oh yes, you the person always snapping the iPhone could actually be in a non-selfie photo. Sounds magical, doesn't it? Well here are some beautiful images of Sweet McKenzie's session for her upcoming Fabulous Fourth birthday for you to look at while you let the craziness of an annual photo of your precious one set in.  Don't need anymore convincing? Book here! ;)

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These two just absolutely glowed. Was so happy I was able to be a part of their beautiful day!