
If you are already a Momma, you know how fun adding those final touches to your little ones nursery can be! I spent so much time in my son's Jackson nursery before he got here, folding clothes, hanging decorations. Imagining what he would be like when he finally arrived. Eagerly anticipating with love. Absolutely loved this sweet session. 

lifestyle maternity session lifestyle maternity session lifestyle maternity session lifestyle maternity session lifestyle maternity session lifestyle maternity session lifestyle maternity lifestyle maternity session lifestyle maternity session lifestyle maternity session

I usually have such a hard time with Blogs.. What to say, what not to say. Which photos to post, which ones to leave out. However, this one was super easy because I've gotten to photograph this little guy since he was a bun in the oven! Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Boy!! It's been so much fun watching you grow! Here are few from our fun day at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve in Plano,Tx

xoxo Sarah

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve 

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve 

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

First Birthday Session, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve


I met 1/3rd of the Terry Family during the Fall when I photographed them for their Christmas photos. Theirs is still one of my favorite sessions, in fact you've seen their photo on my home page. So when Nicole messaged me that they were moving soon and so was her brother in-law. They were wanting to get some photos in of everyone together before they moved across county (one family to Michigan and the other to Illinois), I jumped at the opportunity to be able to photograph them together! Here are a few of my favorites from our time together and wish them well in their new adventures!!  

Family Photography, Plano Texas

Family Photography, Plano Texas

Family Photography, Plano Texas

Family Photography, Plano Texas

Family Photography, Plano Texas

Family Photography, Plano Texas

Family Photography, Plano Texas

Family Photography, Plano Texas

Family Photography, Plano Texas

Family Photography, Plano Texas

Family Photography, Plano Texas

Family Photography, Plano Texas

Family Photography, Plano Texas

Family Photography, Plano Texas


Summer Mini Sessions are a PERFECT way to make sure you get a quick, but efficient
session this summer! I would love to meet your family and enjoy a 30 minute session
with you!.  Spots are limited so please be sure to book early. Email me at 

Mini Sessions are perfect for milestone photos! 

Mini Sessions are perfect for milestone photos! 


This girl was so much fun to shoot! Sweet, silly, just a genuinely good person. I loved every image from her session, it was so hard to pick just a few :) but here are my faves.. xoxo sarah

Senior Session, Downtown Fort Worth, Sarah Ware Photography

Senior Session, Downtown Fort Worth, Sarah Ware Photography

Senior Session, Downtown Fort Worth, Sarah Ware Photography

Senior Session, Downtown Fort Worth, Sarah Ware Photography

Senior Session, Downtown Fort Worth, Sarah Ware Photography

Senior Session, Downtown Fort Worth, Sarah Ware Photography


If you have ever wondered what spurs on a photographer’s passion, you are about to find out. Below are just some of the many reasons your photographer wouldn’t change their job for anything in the world. 

1.    Photography changes how you see things. You notice colors, textures, flowers, trees, people, shapes and light in a way most people never see them. 

2.    You pay more attention to the beauty around you. Even the most mundane object can become beautiful when you photograph it in a creative way. Many photographers love their job because they develop a fascination with the world around them by viewing it through new eyes

3.    It's an amazing creative outlet. You get the chance to put a little bit of who you are into each photo that you take. Anyone can click a camera's buttons but not everyone can truly make a photo come to life

Class of ...

Senior Graduation Photography offering Studio or Location sessions in the Dallas Fort Worth area. 

4.    It's a challenge. Creating amazing photos that capture the magic of everyday life doesn’t come without hard work, dedication and imagination. There is always something new to explore and a new way to take the same photos. It’s a job that never gets boring

5.    You get to meet new people all the time. A photographer works with people from all walks of life. Getting to know someone new is a part of the process of bringing someone’s personality through in a photo. It also makes the job a lot more fun!

Maternity Session, Grapevine Botanical Gardens Maternity/Newborns

Newborn and Maternity Photography located in the Dallas Fort Worth area. 

6.    The flexibility is great. Being a full time photographer means you get to work your own hours. This doesn’t mean it’s a laid back profession though. A photographer is always aiming to perfect their craft, taking on new challenges and helping their clients achieve the perfect pictures.

When you decide to pay for a professional photo session, know that you are hiring an individual who is passionate about what they do and is willing to go the extra mile to help you create beautiful photos that you can treasure forever. 

However, it's getting awesome client feedback that really makes me love what I do. Over the last year I have volunteered my services to a local non-profit, GRACE (see what they do here  When they reached out to me to help their intake coordinator with headshots for an award she has been nominated for, I jumped at the chance.  Her happiness is what I strive for with every session and every client.  

"Thank you Sarah, You actually made me look good. Love the one with the sunshine, but have only gotten a few opinions. Again, thank you, you’ll never know how much I appreciate your “gift”." Vicki Yarnell, Intake Coordinator

"Thank you Sarah, You actually made me look good. Love the one with the sunshine, but have only gotten a few opinions. Again, thank you, you’ll never know how much I appreciate your “gift”." Vicki YarnellIntake Coordinator


If you’re preparing for a photo session with your children, you may be feeling a bit apprehensive. Children aren’t always easy to deal with, which is why the below tips will definitely come in handy before your upcoming photo session. And trust me, your kids will not be the first or last to act crazy during the shoot. ;) 

1. Don't make a huge deal out of it. If you're stressed out and cranky, your kids will usually pick up on it and act accordingly. Their behavior will usually be better if you are relaxed and having fun. You may have to make some compromises to keep the peace such as letting your energetic daughter's hair stay straight instead of curling it into because she won't sit still. Focus on the big picture and don't sweat the small stuff.

Fun family session with two energetic boys!

Fun family session with two energetic boys!


2. Make it fun. Let the kids have a couple “fun pictures” where they get to pick their own pose or props. You get to keep the more serious photos while they get to keep their silly photos. This way everyone wins.  If you are struggling to get your kids to sit still, turn the photo session into a game. Simon Says usually works like a charm.

Here, we have the triplets shaking the sillies out. 

Here, we have the triplets shaking the sillies out. 

3. Be prepared.  If you're going to be out for several hours, ensure that your children are well rested and have had their nap. Bringing some snacks and activities along is also a great idea. If you are having your own photos taken too then you might want to bring a babysitter or family member along to watch the kids. If you happen to be shooting in a remote location, you never know when you might need something like bug spray, tissues or a first aid kit so bring that along too.

One year toddling towards great grandma just outside the shot.

One year toddling towards great grandma just outside the shot.

4. Be patient. Save your sanity by trying not to control the photo session too much. Sometimes the best photos come from kids just doing their own thing. Work with your photographer and your photos will look fantastic.

Little girls love chatting their mommies up. 

Little girls love chatting their mommies up. 

5.  Have a chat. Get your children talking to both you and the photographer about topics such as school or their favorite songs. This allows them to feel more comfortable around your photographer and will also give your photographer a chance to capture a few candid and cute expressions.

Here we are just sitting in the grass, having a little chat. 

Here we are just sitting in the grass, having a little chat. 

Want to book a session like you see here? Email me at


Have you ever thought about adding props to your photo sessions? Props can add interest, depth and an extra flair to your pictures. Get your children to hold coordinating flowers for a spring or summer shoot. Love sports? Then use baseball bats in your next family photo to bring out your passion. Here are a few tips for ways to incorporate props in your next photo session.

1.      Avoid trends. While you might have recently seen a few photos that incorporate a specific prop, try not to use something that will not look really dated in 20 years’ time. Classic is definitely better and there are many fun options to choose from.

Fun Fall Pumpkin Session at Clients home. 

Fun Fall Pumpkin Session at Clients home. 

2.      Be realistic. It’s easy to go wild when thinking of a theme for your photo session. You should decide on one that you can actually find props for. For example, if you want to use seasonal props, try and source them in that season as they’ll be easier to find and before you decide to remake your favorite movie scene, think twice about whether you’ll be able to find suitable outfits for everyone in the photo. 

Christmas Pregnancy Announcement 

Christmas Pregnancy Announcement 

3.       Size matters. There are some larger props that work really well in photo sessions such as using your grandpa's farm tractor as a background piece. However, there are some larger props that can take away from the beauty of the photograph altogether. Make sure that your prop enhances the photo and doesn't detract from it.

First birthday session using a super sweet teepee  and cotton. 

First birthday session using a super sweet teepee  and cotton. 

4.       Make it meaningful. If your child has a favorite stuffed animal or if you have a musical instrument that you treasure, try and incorporate it into your photos. This way your pictures will have more meaning to you and your family.

Newborn posed with Grandpa's treasured Barber kit. 

Newborn posed with Grandpa's treasured Barber kit. 

5.       Use what you have. Make the current season work to your advantage by using what’s available. Leaves in the fall make for amazing props in photos and don’t cost a thing.

Senior Session with Split Rail fence. 

Senior Session with Split Rail fence. 


Remember, using props can be the perfect addition to your photos but make sure that they don’t become the main focus.

I am always open to new and fun ideas!!!  xoxo Sarah 


The best thing about my job is going back through the photos during the editing process. The smiles, the silly faces, the love.. All of these things are why I am a photographer, makes me warm and fuzzy all over!!  xoxo Sarah

Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, Family Session with one year old.
Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, Plano Texas, Family Session with one year old.
Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, Plano Texas,Family Session with one year old.
Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, Plano Texas,Family Session with one year old.
Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, Plano Texas, Family Session with one year old.
Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, Plano Texas,Family Session with one year old.
Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, Plano Texas,Family Session with one year old.

Want to schedule a session like this? Shoot me an email, 


What I love about being a photographer in the town I grew up in is getting to see people that I haven't seen in years. It's always fun to see them all grown up with families of their own. I loved getting to work with this adorable family!  

Train Depot Downtown Grapevine 

Train Depot Downtown Grapevine 

Here are some fun facts about this sweet and loving family.  The kiddos love being outside as you can tell from those infectious grins! Legos and reading books are also on the top of the list! 

They are involved in their church- attending a marriage enrichment Sunday school and Bible Study to fourth graders. They enjoy and cherish their time together, Family dinners being of the utmost importance.  I totally agree, family dinners are so important. It's the best time to get everyone together, to just talk about the day or hang out. They're not always fancy at our house but we do our best (even if it is eating together on the couch ) :)  


Historic Downtown Grapevine 

I loved catching up with these guys! Seeing all these smiles and why I love photography so much!  

