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Artist Naomi Brotherton, soon to be 101 years old, can no longer create paintings due to Macular Degeneration causing loss of sight. Because of this, she has decided to retire from Giddens Gallery of Fine Art in Grapevine and, as a retirement offering, sell her remaining inventory at Greatly Reduced Prices.  Naomi is a national acclaimed artist and 7 year resident artist at Giddens Gallery of Fine Art in Grapevine.  Giddens Gallery has been granted the exclusive privilege of offering her remaining works to collectors, designers and Fine Art enthusiast.  Beautiful is her work and if you purchase art as an investment, her work is a Good One; but becomes a GREAT one at the reduced prices. 

This is a rare opportunity for you; Naomi has authorized us to offer her remaining work at 50% off on unframed work and 30% off for famed work.  Artwork and time is limited for this offer.  Although you will never go wrong with any of Naomi’s paintings, move now while the selection is best.

For those of you that don’t yet know Naomi, she has quite a list of accomplishments that are a testament to her talent and gifting as a Fine Art artist. Below are some of Naomi’s acclaims.

  • In the Fine Art world, an artist accomplishing just one “Signature Member” status in a Watercolor Society is a MAJOR accomplishment. Naomi’s creativity and expertise has earned her this status of “Signature Member” with the four most prominent Water Color Societies in the USA.
  • In 2015, Dallas based Southwestern Watercolor Society awarded Naomi its highest honor; In perpetuity the “Naomi Brotherton Award” is now the Best In Show Award.  Naomi is one of the founding members of SWS established 55 years ago.
  • Naomi co-authored “Variations in Watercolor”, a book on watercolor that resulted in her becoming a very sought-after teacher with numerous invitations to teach in the US as well as Bermuda.
  • Because of her unique contribution to the world of Watercolor, Naomi was highlighted in “Watercolor Masters and Legends” published in 2016.  

Read Naomi’s Story at

Watch a short video of Naomi’s offerings.

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