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First United Methodist Church in Grapevine is clicking "refresh" on their Sunday morning schedule. The church has been working on plans for renovations to their Founders Chapel space. This warm worship environment has been beloved for worship, weddings, prayer vigils and other community services, but is in need of updates to the lighting, sound, HVAC and interiors. As the church "refreshes" Founders Chapel, Sunday morning worship services will shift to accommodate the work. Effective Sunday, September 11, the Sunday morning schedule will be:

8:15 AM - Traditional Communion Service in the Sanctuary
9:15 AM - Dedicated Hour of Sunday School for all ages
10:30 AM - Contemporary Worship in the Family Life Center
10:30 AM - Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
11:45 AM - Bilingual Worship in the Sanctuary

Rick Schultz, chair of the church's Finance Committee, shared his thoughts regarding the changes: "I’m grateful for the different styles of worship. I like how the schedule makes pastors available for leadership during the dedicated hour of Sunday School. Most of all, my hope is that by moving the late service up half an hour, families will no longer choose between worship or a noontime activity; THEY CAN DO BOTH."

If you have been looking for a place to call your church home, now is a great time to visit First Methodist Church in Grapevine, located at 422 Church Street, one block west of Main Street in Downtown Grapevine. For more information about activities and events, please visit or call 817-481-2559.


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