First Grapevine's Renew Women's Conference



Central Standard Time



First United Methodist Church Grapevine
422 Church St.
Grapevine, Texas 76051

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Renew Refresh Rejoice Women's Ministry Event (1).j

Register For: Renew With Pastor Estee Valendy

Feb. 7, 2023 | 6 PM | Founders Chapel (422 Church, Grapevine, TX)


As we start a new year and create New Year’s resolutions, make time to Renew, Refocus, and Rejoice with the Women’s Ministry in 2023. Our Women’s Ministry theme for 2023 is Renew, Refocus, and Rejoice. Register now for our first event of the year, February 7, 2023, with Speaker Estee Valendy speaking about Renew. Dinner starts at 6 PM, and the program begins at 7 PM. For questions, please reach out to Katie Willis (


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