
Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:5-6

How can we share the gospel with people who have serious objections to faith in Christ?

What questions shut down the conversation – because you have no idea what to say?

While we desire to be gracious in how we answer objections, most of us feel unprepared to respond in areas where we are not as knowledgeable.

That’s what this Sunday is about. Sean McDowell will be with us to help us navigate the more difficult issues that arise when we share Jesus with others.

“Well that may be true for you – but that isn’t true for me.” Have you ever heard that? How would you respond?

“There is no evidence that God even exists.” “Do you really believe Jesus rose from the dead?” “Don’t you realize that religion is responsible for so much pain, suffering, and injustice?”

Sean will teach about why truth matters, and address specifically the question “True for You, But Not True for Me,” in our worship services (9:15am, 11:00am, 5:00pm). More info about our worship services can be found at

In the afternoon session (3:00pm), Sean will go into character as an intelligent, informed atheist to raise tough questions about the Christian faith and challenge believers to defend their faith.

This “Conversation with an Atheist" afternoon session is a highly interactive, hands-on experience where you will walk away motivated and equipped to more lovingly and intelligently make a case for faith in Christ.

This is a great opportunity to invite anyone to come. Sean’s presentation will be sensitive to people from all different kinds of viewpoints, and he will help everyone to with how to answer in gracious ways.

You can view more information by clicking here and sign up for available childcare by clicking here.

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